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Recommendations to eCFOS for Joining, Navigating, and Managing in Entrepreneurial Managements Teams

The recommendations in this article derive from three sources – two from extensive research in my PhD dissertation, including: (i) the collection and analysis of data from in-depth interviews of 16 Canadian venture capital investment managers; and (ii) detailed reviews of three streams of literature (VC-investing, management teams, and various aspects of CFOs as financial managers); plus, (iii) lived experience from being a member of the founding or entrepreneurial management team in six growth-oriented ventures. The article describes what is required to achieve team effectiveness, the natural process of team development, the natural challenges arising as consequence of the CFO’s role duality and frequently differences in personal characteristics – not just personality, but the sophistication of their mental models that influence their business recommendations. Most importantly, recommendations are made as guidance for CFOs to resolve these challenges as an embedded team member.

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Ontario, CANADA   

©2023, Brad MacMaster

MacMaster | eCFO

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