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A New Philosophical Perspective for Qualitative Entrepreneurship Research

My PhD dissertation employs an uncommon philosophical perspective. Yet, I believe it is highly appropriate for entrepreneurship research - particularly of a qualitative nature. This article begins by justifying such uncommon perspectives so long as they are relevant to the particular research. It follows with a high-level illustration of the choices of structural elements (axiology, ontology, epistemology) relevant to this social research study, leading to the conclusion that Pragmatic Constructivism (‘PC’) offers an appropriate consolidated perspective for understanding the phenomena investigated.

Following a description of each structural element, the alternatives therefor are explained and the choices made are justified. A simple illustration sums up how Social Constructivism, Pragmatism, and Interpretivism interact and are incorporated into Pragmatic Constructivism.

Finally, support for a Pragmatic approach to entrepreneurship research is provided.

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